Existing or Past Members

New members can skip to the next section.

Partner Applicant Information

Important Note: Please use appropriate upper and lower case throughout the entire application.
Home Address

Company Information

Other Mailing Address

Partner Options

*DISCLAIMER: As a Diamond Community Partner $2,500 of your payment will be considered a political contribution. REALTORS® Political Action Committee Contributions are split accordingly: 30% will be allocated to the NAR Political Advocacy Fund, 35% to the Georgia Association of REALTORS® Political Action Committee, and 35% to the Atlanta REALTORS® Political Action Committee. For more information about RPAC, visit z3312.com/rpac.

*DISCLAIMER: As a Platinum Community Partner $1,000 of your payment will be considered a political contribution. REALTORS® Political Action Committee Contributions are split accordingly: 30% will be allocated to the NAR Political Advocacy Fund, 35% to the Georgia Association of REALTORS® Political Action Committee, and 35% to the Atlanta REALTORS® Political Action Committee. For more information about RPAC, visit z3312.com/rpac.

Payment Information

Partner recognition is valid for the calendar year, with benefits provided from January 1 - December 31st.

Payment Plan Option Available:
Community Partners at the top three levels may pay in up to three installments. The 1st payment is due upon commitment; the 2nd payment is due on February 1st; and the 3rd payment is due on April 1st. Recognition of all Partners begins as soon as the first payment is received, beginning January 1, 2024.
Make check payable to the: Atlanta REALTORS® Association
Submit payment to the Association office at: 5784 Lake Forrest Drive, Atlanta, GA 30328

Important Reminder: Claim Your Complimentary Affiliate Membership(s)!

Complimentary Affiliate memberships are included with the following partnership levels:

  • Diamond: 4 memberships
  • Platinum: 4 memberships
  • Gold: 2 memberships
  • Silver: 1 membership
  • Emerald: 1 membership

To claim, complete the Affiliate Membership application at z3312.com/membership/join. In the payment section, select the complimentary membership option.
If you or someone else from your company would like to join, please submit a separate Affiliate Membership application online.